株式会社 ループコンサルティング loop-consulting-inc フードサービスコンサルティング キッチンデザイン コンサルタント キッチンコンサルタント コンサルティング フードサービス
コンサルタント コンサルタント キッチンコンサルタント キッチンコンサルタント
The English sentence is under Japanese.▼
創 業 / 2012 年9月21日
資 本 金 / 10 百万円
伊藤 芳規 (工学・博士)
大谷 毅(学術博士)
吉岡 佑磨(工学・修士)
統計学 / ※非常勤
井上 和彦 (法学・博士)
・松尾 昌武 (コンサルタント)
・石井 康夫 (コンサルタント)
・髙橋 昂士 (デザイナー)
・増田 理奈 (デザイナー)
WEBデザイナー / マーケッター▼
・金子 歩孔登
代表取締役 ・伊藤芳規
TEL / 03-6265-4880
FAX / 03-6265-4881
HP / http://www.loop-consult.com
IT を応用した調理オペレーションの、管理システムコンサルティング活動。
【事例】某社機内食ケータリング設計コンサルティング、衛生基準ガイドラインHACCP(衛生管理システム)をベースとした基本計画提案と実施設計、同時に衛生環境維持と円滑な調理を行うためのICT を応用したシステムの提案。
運営に関する協議内容は、オペレーションに関する具体的な与件、条件を取り纏めたRFP(Request for Proposal)文書を作成することを目的としています。
代表 伊藤芳規と米国シニリトル・インターナショナル社との変遷
米国のキッチンコンサルティング会社であるシニリトル・インターナショナル社は、1990 年7 月 シニリトル東京オフィス開設(創業)、株式会社シニリトル・ジャパンを設立。
2012 年9 月(株)シニリトル・ジャパン法人の閉鎖に伴い、同社取締役の伊藤芳規が、株式会社ループコンサルティングを設立し、コンサルティング活動の継続を行い現在に至る。
Loop Consulting Company Profile
Founding / September 21, 2012
Capital / 10 million yen
Board Member▼
Yoshiki Ito (Ph.D. Engineering) [ Representative Director ]
Business format development. Foodservice operation analysis and system development. Investigation analysis of the foodservice market. Kitchen Design.
Tsuyoshi Otani (Shinshu University Honorary professor ・Ph.D. Philosophy)[ Representative ]
Foodservice operation analysis and system development. Inventory control analysis
Li Hongwei [ Director ]
Illustrator. Central Academy of Fine Arts Former researcher, Resident Shanghai
Kazuhiko Inoue (Doctor of Law) [ Auditor ]
Tax accountant, Financial accounting, Tax accounting
Consultant staff▼
・Masatake Matsuo ( Consultant )
・Yasuo Ishi (Consultant )
・Kohshi Takahashi ( Kitchen Design )
Designer / Marketer▼
・Hokuto Kaneko
Office address▼
Zip code 151-0066
3-2-9, Misaki- Cho, Kanda Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo Kyoei Misaki–Cho Building 2F
Representative Director Yoshiki Ito
TEL 03-6265-4880
FAX 03-6265-4881
WEB http://www.loop-consult.com
Loop consulting business contents
Loop Consulting (LC) aims for a kitchen design of the operation improvement of foodservice to a base in the consulting know-how that we cultivated by many projects.
Kitchen design consultant to lead the business of the client to the success is basic there.
Service quality control of the guest and the improvement of the foodservice are demanded every day while the competition of the foodservice is severe.
While the competition of such a foodservice is intense, we support consulting to lead the operation improvement of the foodservice, a renovation, a new project plan, any step to the success of the foodservice business.
Loop Consulting, Inc. Corporate Profile
Loop Consulting carry out efforts for leading the client's business to a success through a consulting practice about the improvement planning of the management scenario of Foodservice operations, the kitchen design and planning, and its related fields.
In various business categories, such as a large-sized hotel and traditional restaurant and casual foodservice, competition is becoming violent much more in a decrease in population or globalization. An improvement and reform of Foodservice managements are required as a day-to-day issue.
We promote consulting practice so that the operational improvement, back-of –house renovation, new pursuit of business scheme, etc. may pursue more suitable solution toward the resolution of a number of issues in every stage of a project.
Moreover, application of IT communications system, construction of a database and practical use, introduction of the prediction method of Foodservice demand, pursuit of an overseas cutting edge benchmarks, etc., we would like to add a new viewpoint and to also achieve the function as a research institution which contributes to prosperity of the client's business.
Foodservice operation improvement consulting
LC consulting example: We investigate the cause of the obstacle to be underlying in a hotel, a central kitchen, chain restaurant, fast food, ONSEN-RYOKAN, cooking operation and the service of various foodservices. Also we analyze it. LC is rearranging, and consulting about the operation improvement by a role of the kitchen operation.
In addition, LC examines the technique to let cooking and a service side applies an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system to foodservice operation. System plan producing effects to profit improvement of the foodservice operation is one of the consulting.
Kitchen design consulting
By each restaurant of the hotel, central kitchen, chain restaurant, fast food, ONSEN-RYOKAN, concept development of various foodservice projects and kitchen-related design consulting, "Preliminary and Schematic Design", "Design Development", "Bid Documentation and Evaluation", "Kitchen Construction Assistance" are kitchen consulting.
Business consulting
Market, demand, location analysis and business condition compound plan about foodservice & master planning and a zoning plan. In addition, in consulting farm of LC, analyze the income and expenditure of the foodservice.
Operation improvement suggestion of the restaurant business.. Satisfaction investigation and the analysis of the guest, these are consulting farms, too.
Business conditions development of the foodservice
LC consulting suggests new business conditions concept to examine a foodservice of new needs, and to lead the business of the client to the success.
Summarize business outline of Loop consulting
1-Kitchen design consulting▼
・Schematic Design
・Design Development
・Bid Documentation
・Bid Evaluation
・Shop Drawing Check
・Kitchen Construction Assistance
2-Improvement consulting of foodservice operation▼
Improvement consulting of kitchen and cooking operation.
For example▼
LC carry out investigation into hotel kitchen operation analysis and classify work as an evil factor of the cooking work and carried out the operation improvement of the kitchen.
Kitchen operation improvement consulting of the ICT application.
For example▼
A certain company In-flight catering kitchen design consulting.
The suggestion of the kitchen plan based on health code guidelines HACCP (hygiene management system).
And system suggestion of the ICT application for the purpose of maintenance of the hygiene environment and the
improvement of the cooking.
3-Food business consulting▼
Trade area survey
Foodservice concept development / management and financial analysis
Foodservice Business Development、Operation support
4-Selection of staff canteen operation company▼
Choice of restaurant operator is necessary for the staff canteen facilities.
LC carry out support work of the choice of the staff canteen operator company that client hosts as needed.
LC carry out work business to lead to the contract situation of client and staff canteen operation company.
RFP (Request for Proposal) documentation work which settled concrete condition and constraints about staff canteen operation.
Loop Consulting Yoshiki Ito Relationship of Cini-Little Japan
In July 1990, Cini-Little international of American kitchen consultant company establishes Cini-Little Japan, Inc. In 1998, Yoshiki Ito participates in Cini-Little, the Japan, and participate in domestic various foodservice projects.
In September 2012, Cini-Little Japan, Inc. became the corporation closure. Board member of Ito at Cini-Little Japan establishes LOOP CONSULTING by the background in September 2012. Ito and Loop consulting member continue consulting work and continue up to the present day.